Any good preacher will know if they can give an illustration to make their point, it is more likely to be remembered. Thinking of His many parables, Jesus was the greatest illustration-giver. In Matthew 20 we have the story of the labourers in the vineyard. Whether they had worked one hour or eleven they received the same wages.
The calling of my church is to help those who are homeless. My part in the team is to pray. The response has been so great that we are near a revival. Having been brought up in a Christian home and having accepted Jesus as my Saviour in my late teens, I am like the labourers who have worked for the eleven hours. During those ‘eleven hours’ I’ve had the privilege of knowing God’s comfort, guidance and love. Our homeless guests who are now flooding into our church haven’t known this comfort during their up-bringing. Now at their eleventh hour they are aware of God’s blessings into their lives. In their ‘one hour’ they are working hard for the Lord. They are taking part in various activities of the church – making tea, tidying up and other tasks. They are so happy to be completely accepted and part of the church and God’s blessings. You can see it in their eyes and lives.
In Matthew 9 we have the story of the labourers in the vineyard. Whether a man had worked one hour or eleven they all received the same wages.
The special calling of my church is to help those who are homeless. It used to be that I could physically help but now it is my role to prayer. We are witnessing a mini revival. Having been brought up in Christian home and giving my life to Jesus as an older teenager, I am like the labours who have given many hours of Christian service. During my ‘eleven house’ I’ve had the privelege pf knowing God’s comfort, guidance and love. Mine has been a life of blessing.
Our homeless guests who are flooding into our church have not known this blessing. Often their up-bringing has been tramatic , they have not know etability and security. Now at the eleventh hour they are open to God’s blessings in their lives.