King of Kings

Here in the UK we are used to the idea of having a monarchy. I was born during the beginning of the reign of a king and after about 15 years on his death, he was replaced by his eldest daughter. After more than seventy years, she died and again we had a king, her eldest son. Most people, though not all, are in favour of a monarch but here they have little power to run the country. Recently all our kings and queens have been good people.

Unfortunately that hasn’t been true in many countries in the world. Some kings have been dictators and ruled their people with a rod of iron. To have such a king must make it difficult to imagine the King of Kings being the Saviour of the world. Revelation 17:14 tells us that our God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and with Him will be His called, close and faithful followers. He is to be worshiped and adored, not rejected and feared.

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This Thursday is possibly about the time that we realise we are not as advanced with our Christmas preparation as we should be. Baking, card-posting, letter writing, church activities, house decorations, all are not as far ahead as we had hoped. But wait, important as those things are, they are not as important as preparing our hearts. Are we busy getting our souls ready for our Christmas?

We are busy getting ready for our Christmas, all the shops are full and funds are getting low.

There is just so much to do, have we time for what is true? We have still to buy the nuts and mistletoe.

But are we ready for the Baby in the manger? Are we ready for the One who can save souls?

He is coming, do not doubt, with an angel song and shout, Are you ready for the coming King of Kings?

Who Am I?

I often ask myself this question. Who am I? What use am I to anyone? Then I remember I’m the daughter of a King. I am worthy of the King of Kings dying for my sins. He died for you as well. You are worthy.

When Moses asked God, ‘Who am I?’ he was given the commission to lead a nation. Fortunately your and my command is far less daunting than that! But we are still called on to listen and obey. There are tasks that God wants us to do today; there are jobs for us tomorrow. Nations won’t flounder if we ignore God but the Kingdom of God will be poorer and our lives will be less worthy. If He knows the demise of a sparrow, He will certainly notice our reluctance. Who are we? We are ambassadors of the King of Kings. As Isaiah said, may we say ‘Here am I, send me.’