Israel 2

When I’ve finished posting this, I’m going to sit in the sun enjoying the summer which has eventually arrived.  Hot in the sun, but nothing like Israel.  It reached 41-42 degrees most days.  I didn’t come home sun burnt as I had to cover up with large sun-hat, long sleeves and crop trousers.

Each morning at home I pull back the curtains to see what the weather is.  In Israel, every morning as I pulled the curtains back, I remarked to my friend ‘It’s hot and sunny again’.

The time spent in Jerusalem involved a great deal of walking; there was so much to see.  After we’d seen most of one side of the city, we went through one of the Gates and followed the alleyways up and down the uneven steps in areas where the light seldom penetrated past the tall buildings.  It was not the Via Dolorosa but nearby; not so touristy. 

It was on these steps that I could imagine Jesus toiling with his cross on his back; the unevenness, the jostling crowds pressing on every side and the concentrated noise.

Goodness, I haven’t got very far in my narrative.  I’m only on the second day.

Carol, on her travels in Israel