Second Reprint

If you go wandering round my website, you will find the second re-print of my book on Gladys Aylward. There are not many changes, so maybe you will not want to buy this but you are sure to have many friends you can recommend it to.

Someone asked why another reprint? Well, all the original books have sold and so have the first reprint. As I travel round lecturing and talking about Gladys I find she still has a great following.

I’m not surprised. she was an intrepid young lady working for the Lord, travelling alone right across Russia to China at a time when travel was difficult, especially for females. She met extreme difficulties on the way, nearly losing her life on more than one occasion.

This book was printed by professional publishers who are my friends and the cover was done by a professional artist who is also my friend.

I obviously have the right friends.
