My Writing Space

As I plan to spend another year writing in what I grandly call ‘a study’ (office sounds too bleak) I think of the year ahead. I have bought a wooden plaque engraved by a friend. It simply says ‘Be still. ‘A good sentiment for 2021. It was carved from a felled tree at the end of my road.

I have a diffuser which I set up each day, which gives a pleasant aroma. Also in the room is a small heater; with two outside walls it is a cold room. I need my comfort. With my cup of tea, I’m ready to start writing. It is time for ‘bum on seat’ and get on with it.

I pray that in this coming year, you all have a purpose, something which needs to be done which you enjoy. Go for it. 2021 is going to be special. God bless.