Disturb the Comfortable, Comfort the Disturbed

This a rather neat description of the Bible. Consider the times when Jesus challenged the Pharisees. They considered themselves comfortable by obeying the Jewish rules and regulations. His words disturbed them in their complacent lives; they were quite comfortable as they were.

Today many people are upset by what they read in the Bible and prefer to leave it alone. They don’t want to obey the exhortations they read within the pages.

Then the Bible is also the book for the disturbed. In the times of the Bible, people had great needs; they were sick, hungry and afraid. Comfort was found in reading these encouraging words.

Today, after covid more and more people are stressed and suffering anxiety. They need to hear the comforting words of Jesus; they need the reassurance of the psalms. ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.’ These are the words they are gladdened to read. The Bible is so full of words of comfort. The encouragement of the Lord is there for them.