I can be Heard

As you might have read in my previous blogs I recently watched my local football team play at Wembley on a very large scene with dozens of other supporters. The noise level was off the scale. I wonder how blind Bartimaeus was heard over the clamour of the crowd. ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.’ ‘Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me.’

However hopeless the situation seemed, Bartimaeus was not going to give up but Jesus was able to hear a whisper or even feel a touch to the hem of His garment. ‘Call him,’ said Jesus. My Bible says the blind man leapt up and came to Jesus but I’m sure his friends guided him. ‘What do you want me to do for you?, Jesus asked. Obviously Jesus knew what the man wanted but He wanted to hear him say it.

Jesus says to us ‘What do you want?’ He will hear us even when we answer through torrents of tears or through clenched teeth. He will never miss our call for help. May we all ask ‘Lord, open my eyes, I want more spiritual awareness.’