Praying for Others

The other day I read of someone who kept a payer diary where anyone they knew who had a birthday, they prayed for them the whole birthday month. They also asked if there was anything specific they could pray for them. Being an ordered kind of person, I’ve tried various systems to pray for others. There have been shortcomings in every method.

I think this idea appeals to me, but there are many people with needs whose birthday I don’t know. I so easily forget to pray for certain people or I have their request on a piece of paper and then lose it. I’ve also kept names on index cards and prayed for one person each day , but it took me too long to get through the pile.

I also feel it is not right to spend all my time praying for others, I also need to just sit and enjoy time in the presence of God. I know that God answers every prayer we make, but sometimes we don’t see the results for a long period of time, so making a list of answered prayers would only show prayers that have been answered to my satisfaction.

I believe the method we use to pray for others isn’t important, it will be different for everyone. The most important thing is that we do pray without ceasing and keep in communication with God. He so wants to have fellowship with us.