A Healed Relationship

It is understandable that we like some people more than others, even in church. It is no good thinking we can be equally friendly with everyone. But what do we do when there is a person in church that we positively dislike. I hardly dare admit that this happened to me a while ago.

There was this lady in my church, an admirable Christian, who really annoyed me. She would insist on telling me and others how to run our own lives. She would begin each sentence with ‘What you ought to do is ………’This made me cross, I’ve been running my own life for years. It obviously is a sore point with me.

So I did what I should have done in the first place. I prayed about, I prayed really hard. And wonderfully, God did answer my prayers. This lady didn’t change at all; but after my constant prayers, I am no longer annoyed by her attitude. I can truthfully say that she is one of my best friends now. My attitude has completely changed, which is only the result of prayer.