A Busy Day

My day turned out to be a most hectic one. It included a couple of urgent medical appointments, business matters to be sorted out and sick people to be visited. Then there were the mundane tasks, washing, ironing, cooking and shopping. these jobs don’t do themselves, it’s up to me. Each day before I start my other activities, I ring-fence a time to spend with the Lord. This strengthens me and guides me and sets me off on the right foot for the day ahead.

Then life seems to take over with the things I’ve listed above and many more. The help I had at the beginning of the day ebbs away and I tend to forget God. I then imagine Him saying to me ‘Beloved daughter, I’m still here, bring to me that worry, frustration or anxiety.

The Bible is full of promises that He is with us always, ‘Draw near to me and I will draw near to you’ James 4:8. ‘The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,’ ‘He restores my soul,’ ‘He leads me in the paths of righteousness,’ All these are promises from the twenty-third psalm. Although i have a short time of reflection with God at the end of the day, I need to remember that He is with me right through all the hours in between. He reminds us, ‘I will never leave you.’

Reading in the Bible we see that He never left His saints of old. He was by their side guiding and comforting. There must have been times when they were forgetful and some of these instances we read about. The children of Israel forgot Him when they were travelling through the desert. May we not forget like them. May we remember the Lord while He may be found.