The Best Plan-Maker

God is the best at making plans. I thought I had my life all sorted out but according to Robert Burns in his poem ‘To a Mouse, ‘the best laid plans of mice and men, often go awry.’ Because of less-good health I prayerfully planned to move to a small bungalow. All went well with the sale and purchase. I felt happy in God’s guiding. Then I had an accident which left me house-bound and anxious that I would be fit enough to move house when the time came. I gradually became fitter each week and then received another blow. Because of a legal mess-up, the move would would be delayed until Christmas or even the New Year.

Then because of my health due to the accident, it was decided I could move almost immediately through a ‘special licence.’ There would not be a wait of several months. The legal problems were overcome solely because of my accident. This was not something I could have planned or solved. As William Cowper says n a poem ‘God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform.’