How Do We Build?

‘Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stone, wood, hay or straw, each one’s work will become manifest, his work will be shown for what it is. 1 Corinthians 3:12

It is not always remembered today how much of our society has been founded on Christian principles. Many institutions which are still active today have been started by Christians. Christian principles were at the beginnings of nursing and medical practices with Florence Nightingale, who because she was a Christian wanted to improve the condition of those who were sick. We can think of William Booth who was moved by the plight of the poor in the East End of London. He dedicated his life to improving their lot and finally founded the Salvation Army.

Christren’s homes were started by people like George Muller who appalled by the conditions of the orphaned children in Bristol opened four large orphanages to cope with the problem. They were funded by faith alone. Many other Christian orphanages followed suite.

Gold, silver, or precious stone, hay, wood or hay, I wonder what building materials have we been using in our own lives. Have we relied on our own resources or have we relied on God? In our own strength our good works are worthless.