Thank You

In the hurry and bustle of life its easy to forget to thank people. Do we remember to say thank you to the person who lets us through a door first, the girl at the checkout or the person who picks up something which we’ve dropped? A thank you goes a long way to improve a person’s day, especially if accompanied with a smile.

It seems it’s not the done thing now to thank someone who has given you a present. When I don’t even get an acknowledgement from a nephew or niece for presents they’ve received. I wonder if their thank you has got lost in the post, or if I should stop giving. I’m old enough to remember when it was different and sad enough to wish it was otherwise.

Does my own thanklessness stretch to even forgetting to thank God?. He has given us more than we can adequately give thanks for. As Isaac Watts said

‘Were the whole world of nature mine, that were a present far too small

Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.’