It was great to have a writers’meeting in another part of Cumbria. The day started overcast but by the afternoon the sun had managed to make holes in the clouds. Life is so much better in sunshine.
2nd March, Spring has officially arrived and nature has caught on to the fact. Along the waysides there were swathes of snowdrops like fallen stars onto the lush grass. Sheep were munching in the fields; although I’d been told there were lambs in the region, I didn’t see them.
As the gradient rose I caught sight of the views all around. I hadn’t expected any snow to still be lying; but there it was like discarded tissues in the crevices of the hills. If the snow continues to lie, it’s waiting for more to join it, so the country saying goes. Rivers were not in spate, a reminder that rain will be coming to increase their volume and in Cumbria when it starts to rains, it forgets to stop. You can tell I’ve been to a writers’ meeting by my eloquence!
Don’t say all this comes about by accident; I have to believe it is all there for a purpose being for us to enjoy .
Carol, the country lover