God Delights in Us

If God gives us a message twice He is definitely trying to tell us something. In the last two days God has spoken to me three times with the same message. In a communion service the words came twice that God loves to spent time with us; He loves to walk with us. Often we pray that we will walk with God, but this thought turns everything on it’s head – God loves to walk with us.

Then the next morning in a prayer meeting the thought very much was that God delights being with us. The leader gave each of us a message. Mine was that God was saying to me, ‘Carol, it is a delight to spend time with you.’ It’s mind-blowing that the creator of the universe can be happy spending time with me. I’m not sure that I can comprehend it properly yet. Psalm 18:19 says ‘He brought me into a spacious place, He rescued me because He delights in me.’