Fractured and Forgiven

I came across this phrase recently. ‘I am a fractured, forgiven work in progress, reconciled to You through Jesus.’

How aptly that described me and no doubt you. I am fractured, swaying from opinion to opinion, my feet on shifting sand. One day I feel I’ve made a reasonable job of being a Christian, the next I’m floundering in sin and broken actions. At times I’m praising God for his wonderful ways, then I’m blaming him for everything I’ve done wrong in my life.

The next word in the phrase described me as being forgiven. All my many, many wrong doings have been forgiven. That hardly sounds possible. I am reconciled to God; I am forgiven, restored and reunited with the Eternal One. This is only through Jesus, dying for my sins. Forgiveness is never an easy matter; it wasn’t for Jesus. The cost was high. Now I can say with confidence, ‘I am a fractured, forgiven work in progress, reconciled to You through Jesus.’ Amen