Herod the Great

What is greatness? Herod earned the name of Great in part because of his building regime. During his time in power he completed a number of building projects, including those in and around Jerusalem, especially the temple. He had been proclaimed King of the Jews, so it was no wonder that he took fright when the Magi asked about a similar named person.

There are two types of greatness, human created greatness and divine greatness. The human type attempts to rob God of His power. Looking at psalm 145:3 we read ‘great is the Lord and most worthy of praise.’ The life of Jesus shows the highest form of greatness. For our sake He became poor. Philippians 2:6 ‘He did not consider equality with God something to be used to His own advantage……….. He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death -even death on a cross.’

We are called to greatness only because we are made in the image of God but we mustn’t be tempted to be great in our own strength. We need to consider who is on the throne in our own lives.