Out of Touch

Since I moved a few days ago I’ve been out of touch without a working television, computer or landline. This has meant I’ve spent my time reading three very interesting books.

I started with ‘Just Walk across the Room’ by Bill Hybels. The idea is that when we see someone alone, under God’s guidance, we just walk across the room and start a conversation with them. God will steer the talk in the right direction. We just need to do the walking.

Secondly I read ”Invest Your Suffering’ by Paul Mallard. His wife Edrie has had a painful illness, similar to M.S. for over 20 years, With much weeping and soul-seeking, they have dedicated their suffering to the Lord and His glory.

Finally, I read the autobiography of Gipsy Smith, a gipsy boy who was wonderfully converted when a teenager and went on to become well-known evangelist in many parts of the English-speaking world. He worked for a time with General Booth of the Salvation Army and the American evangelists Moody and Sankey.

Then fortunately, or unfortunately my computer and phone were re-connected and now my reading time is limited.