Smothered in Darkness

As we have thoughts about the ‘light of the world’ coming into our lives, we cannot help but be aware of the darkness that is also in the world. The media gives us news of hunger, murders, killings in war and natural disasters. Even in my small life I’ve experienced death, heart attacks and family discord during the last couple of months. While we rejoice in the light , a tiny percentage of the world rejoices in darkness.

Have we been personally saddened in this season, have our hearts been weighted down by seemingly unanswered prayer? At least our hearts haven’t had to wait 400 years for an answer as the Israelites did. God, our maker is the master of darkness and light. We can’t always understand, why should darkness seem to prosper and why do we have to wait for answers to our prayers.? One day all will be revealed. Our job now is to ‘wait and pray’, to have faith and trust and as we read in Deuteronomy 32:4 ‘His word is perfect and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong. Upright and just is He.’