Short on Gratitude

‘He fell on his face at Jesus’ feet.’ Luke 17:16

As I rise up in indignation at the lack of gratitude from the nine other lepers who were healed, I’m brought up sharp. I am often one of the nine.

My life is overflowing with gifts from God. I have a good degree of health; I have significant money for my needs. I own a lovely small home and my friends, of which there are many, are so loving and caring. Also I am blessed to live in a country which is not suffering from war. Furthermore, God has revealed Himself to me through His love.

Am I falling at Jesus’ feet in gratitude? Not always, I’m ashamed to say I sometimes forget. Life is busy, unexpected things happen and I just forget. To help me, when I start my quiet time in the morning, I always begin with a prayer of gratitude. I do that before I start on my list of petitions. As I write my prayers to God (writers, write prayers, not say them) gratitude is my first written word each day. A day that begins in gratitude is more meaningful. Gratitude brings me closer to God.