Short on Gratitude

‘He fell on his face at Jesus’ feet.’ Luke 17:16

As I rise up in indignation at the lack of gratitude from the nine other lepers who were healed, I’m brought up sharp. I am often one of the nine.

My life is overflowing with gifts from God. I have a good degree of health; I have significant money for my needs. I own a lovely small home and my friends, of which there are many, are so loving and caring. Also I am blessed to live in a country which is not suffering from war. Furthermore, God has revealed Himself to me through His love.

Am I falling at Jesus’ feet in gratitude? Not always, I’m ashamed to say I sometimes forget. Life is busy, unexpected things happen and I just forget. To help me, when I start my quiet time in the morning, I always begin with a prayer of gratitude. I do that before I start on my list of petitions. As I write my prayers to God (writers, write prayers, not say them) gratitude is my first written word each day. A day that begins in gratitude is more meaningful. Gratitude brings me closer to God.


As I blogged to you the other, Jesus didn’t just do miracles, He did them over the top. Jesus and His disciples were faced with five thousand hungry people. I know we’ve read it many times before but the five loaves of bread and two fishes were turned into a meal for everyone and ‘they were satisfied.’ We know that’s not the end of the story. ‘Twelves baskets of broken pieces were left over.’ Did the people drop crusts of bread and pieces of fish in their eagerness to eat? At least there was no plastic in those days so there was no litter!

Twelve baskets of pieces left over, another miracle. Jesus didn’t just give enough food, He gave over and above. In the quiet of the evening did the birds come down for their evening meal and did the lepers come out of their hiding places? Both would have been fed. I praise God for the abundance of His feast.