
‘We have this hope as an anchor to the soul, firm and secure.’ Hebrews 6:19

My friend was telling me about her forthcoming holiday a cruise visiting many European ports. As she described her itininery my thought was ‘I’m glad it’s not me.’ Another friend of mine having spent a month holidaying in Florida is sailing back with her husband on a transatlantic cruise across the Atlantic. Again my thought was ‘I’m glad it’s not me.’ I can swim but I have a fear of the sea. It is so vast and unpredictable. As a child I disliked beach holidays, they were cold, sandy and the sea was wet and large.

I often have nightmares of being cast away on the cruel sea or even drowning. Therefore I realise that life itself is often like being cast adrift at sea. Nevertheless, when disasters and troubles come upon us, we know we have an anchor, we will be held secure and not drown in life’s stormy seas. Our Godly anchor is firmer than any human one, My security doesn’t depend on me, I might let go. Christ will hold me securely and safely. We will be completely safe.