
‘Bands from Aram had gone out and taken captive a young girl from Israel and she served Naaman’s wife.’ 2 Kings 5:2. This unnamed girl is recorded as such an insignificant person. She was only a young girl and was a slave in a foreign country. It could be thought if we didn’t know our God and had then been able to read the story in the Bible that she was of no significance at all.

But a different country, the life of a slave,and probably apart from her family did not stop her being used by God. When she heard that her mistress’s husband had leprosy she was pleased to say that her God could heal him. By speaking out, the wheels were set in motion. Naaman was allowed to go to Israel to seek healing, which after a few false moves he obtained. Naaman was cured and all because of a small servant girl who had a faith and the courage to speak out..

Do we sometimes feel insignificant? Do we believe that we can’t say anything of worth and be used by God? I’m so pleased that often we don’t know the impact we’ve had on another person by speaking out. By knowing we might become proud. Maybe in heaven, it will be revealed to us, when we can’t be spoiled by pride.