The Garden of Eden

In Genesis 2:15 I like the idea that Adam had to work in the garden. This garden is described as having all kinds of trees growing there; trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. God knew the importance of trees on the earth and the dangers of deforestation.

I love working in my garden though when I’m complemented on the colourful display, I say ‘God and I do it together, but God does the clever bit.’ I enjoy the idea of working in tandem with God. Much as I need Him, He also need me. We all know that neglected gardens are soon overrun with weeds. Let the weeds stay in the fields and byways. When Eve came along I expect she was involved in the gardening as well. A team of two work better together.

I live in a part of the country which has a river running through it called the River Eden; a gift for flower shops and restaurants which name their businesses The Garden of Eden. Although it is as muddy and probably polluted as any other river, it still feels special Dare I name my very small garden, the Garden of Eden. Probably not as it doesn’t even contain a tree.