
What a judgement on us all that there is so much hunger and poverty in this world. I can’t quote figures as they vary (but each figure is a beloved person) but so many people die of starvation with large numbers of these being children as they have less resistance to infection. Besides facing persecution churches are also suffering from malnutrition and lack of food. I can hardly bear to type these words as it seems to dreadful.

Now hunger and poverty is hitting our own country, even working families are having to use food banks. Schools are providing meals for needy families and supermarkets have boxes where we can place donations. I don’t understand politically how we have got in this situation.

Physical hunger and thirst aren’t out only need. Remember the woman at the well to whom Jesus said ‘I give you everlasting water so that you will never thirst again. Jesus also said as noted in John 6:35 ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty.’