Another Day

‘I pray that I may proclaim the gospel as I should’ Colossians 4:4

Today is another day in my life, just one of thousands which have been granted to me during my life span. I’ve no idea whether this will be a day when I can share my love of God with others or whether it will be a day where there will be no such opportunities. God is the one who knows.

If it is to be a productively spiritual day, I pray that I ‘may proclaim the message clearly and that I may make the most of every opportunity guided by the Holy Spirit. On the other hand it may be a day when I speak to very few people or the opportunity for witnessing may not arise. Whatever kind of day it is or maybe a mixture of both, I can still act as a follower of Christ. My speech can still be seasoned with salt. As a Christian I am never off duty. As I make sure people know my beliefs, others will be watching me . Even a smile from a Christian can be one that portrays love. It can have an effect. It’s not just my actions but my words as they are backed by the Holy Spirit if I dedicate them to God.