
Does God get tired of hearing requests? So much of our prayers are for healing for sick ones, praying for the souls of unsaved friends or coping with our own small problems. But we are probably thinking of God through our human minds. The Bible tells us, ‘Your ways are not My ways.’ With our friends we are wary not to burden them with our problems, we need to remember they have problems too.

For any friendship to survive we need to have as near a 50\50 relationship as possible. It is so very different with God. He has no problems that we need to share. Philippians 4:6 tells us ‘in every situation by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.’ I do believe that He wants communication with us, like a friend He loves to talk with us, but I notice the small yet important phrase, ‘with thanksgiving’ As the hymn writer says, ‘thank Him for all that is past and trust Him for all that’s to come.’ Joseph Hart. One of my father’s favourite hymns was ‘Trust and Obey.’